Analysing Websites

Assessing what works and what doesn’t work online in terms of design can help you as you develop your own web projects. It is also important to evaluate the content validity of a website. 
  • What is the purpose and audience of the website you need to design?
  • What websites have you looked at that are of similar purpose to your own?
Criteria for evaluating sites include the following: 
  • Design 
  • Content 
  • Visual layout 
  • Mood and tone 
  • Colour scheme 
  • Structure and order
  • Ability to find and understand information 
  • Font(s)
  • Consistency

TASK: What kind of information determines purpose, audience, and audience needs? 

1) Contrast the PBS site for adults,, with their site for kids,, discussing the following: 
  • Purpose of the site 
  • Audience for the site 
  • How the site uses design principles to emphasise purpose and audience 

2) Evaluate three music artists' websites for design and content:

Visual Layout

  • Describe the visual elements on the home page. What caught your eye first?
  • How does the graphic design (balance, emphasis, colour, tone, structure, and so on) communicate the content?
  • If there are images on the page, do they add value to the content, or are they for decoration and appeal? If they add value, describe how.
  • How well does the layout of text help viewers understand the main points of the site content? Does the text layout and style follow an appropriate structure? If so, how does the structure help viewers understand the content?

Consistency Structures

  • Are any of the elements repeated on subsequent pages? Are the elements decorative or part of the navigation?
  • Does the repetition help or hinder the overall purpose of the website?
  • How consistent is the use of colour?
  • How consistent are fonts and font sizes? In what ways do the text styles vary?

Colour Scheme

  • Does the colour scheme add to the purpose or tone of the site?
  • How does the colour scheme help or hinder in conveying the purpose of the site?

Representation of artists
  • How is the artist represented on the webpage? 
  • Is there an image of them? Are there lots of images?
  • How frequently is their name used?
  • Is there a biography?
  • What else can we find out about the artist (hobbies, interests, relationships, place of birth, etc.)

  • What overall impressions are created by the website?
  • What is the most effective and least effective sections?
  • What can you use from this website when planning your own? What ideas can you incorporate?
